Many of us may have spent the last Holiday Season repeating old traditions, patterns and behaviors from the past. Watching family "repeat" like a broken record, that we can not turn off. Yes we are used to that music. We memorized the song.
You moved away, only to find that you have recreated your home, your circumstance, in the very same fashion. I think this may be the time that Capricorn reaches for the Scotch. Not out of prestige, but out of boredom.
We climbed this brand new mountain, except it kind of looks, quite a bit like our parents mountain. We do know how to climb and we can hang on. How did we get here ? More importantly, WHY did we climb this boring mountain ? (The talking Heads song has a line "Same as it ever was")
January 5th ushers in an eclipse that is all about past tradition and relying on what has worked before. Its that simple. Plant all of your new seeds from the harvest of the past. And if you failed to harvest the seeds, if you failed to listen to your elders words, take a good look in the mirror, your still here. You learned a lot in spite of yourself.
You have Saturn and Pluto inside of you from your past experiences. Do you ever think about the 1st step you take out of bed in the morning ? Or why you put sugar in your coffee ? Or why you wake up at 5 AM, just like your grandparents used to ? Maybe some of our habits need to change ? With Saturn and Pluto near, we will think about change, "but", you think to yourself, "goats never really change, now do they" ?
So how do you use this New Moon ? With Saturn and Pluto making a sandwich out of this eclipse. Yes your the sandwich. Be grateful for Mars in Aries, it will give you the drive to move your inner goat. (It will make you feel a bit feisty) Goats don't just climb up, they also climb down. Goats climb and descend over and over and over again. Your going to be relying on very subconscious drives and that's the very controlling feature of this eclipse. Saturn will remind you of the necessary rules, equipment, weather conditions, for mountain climbing. So your climbing mountains and maybe all of them kind of look the same. Is that so bad ? This is not the most comforting realization to make. Why are we on this mountain ? I thought we were going to do something entirely different ? (your feeling the squeeze of Saturn and Pluto, REMEMBER we don't have Venus, In the words of Mary Poppins, "a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down") Venus is not making a conjunction with this powerful Solar Eclipse, we can't find the sugar, this coffee is terrible without sugar. Plus, we already climbed this old mountain. Why did we have to climb down in the 1st place? Mercury just won't stop quietly asking this question.
That being said, your New opportunity is trying to change a few habits. You won't be reinventing the wheel, BUT, the changes you make in the coming months can help you reach real goals. Yes I know this sounds like a broken record. Pluto is forcing you to make changes, because the conditions have changed.
Look to the house where this configuration begins. This is WHERE you can use old tradition, patterns, the tried and the true. In many cases. your inner compass will direct you to the area of the house, where this new moon resides. Autopilot will take over. Your a Goat, maybe a little older, but still A GOAT.
We have many reasons for coming up and down the mountain. Its part of life and the cycles of life, that Saturn so carefully resides over. Pluto will present you with its own kind of irreversible change. So close to the South Node. Yes the struggle is real.
What is an example of a "life mountain" ?
Perhaps this eclipse makes you reflect on a recent life change.
You had knee surgery or hip surgery. You remember your own parent or grandparent having the same condition. Is this why they removed the Spanish tile and replaced it with ugly linoleum ? Well your not like your parents, (you tell yourself). You just replaced your tile with Pergo. Your legs hurt and your having a difficult time adjusting to a recent surgery. You have to walk again and it seems a bit harder this time. The new Pergo feels better under your new Clarks Cloud Steppers. The high heels are sitting in a box waiting for Goodwill. Well "These new shoes, aren't your mother's shoes. These are stylish, cute, modern AND good for your legs". (that is what the sales lady told you) It certainly feels like a past you witnessed with your own eyes. Except, now your living this. This is what this eclipse is about. Can you hear the Talking heads song "Once in a lifetime".
Letting the days go by (same as it ever was)
Letting the days go by (same as it ever was)
And finally, if you take anything from this eclipse, Mr. and Mrs. Goat, we are all creatures of habit. Find comfort in knowing, your baby goats will live by the examples you gave them. Even if we don't think they are listening. That is what the eclipse is all about.