Notes for the October 31st Full Moon by Pamela Kokott
When we evaluate each Month of 2020, up to THIS POINT, in October, we must reexamine the New Moon of May 22nd, 2020 with particular interest. In May, I posted an article, you can review entitled, "The New Moon in Gemini in May 22nd, 2020". I knew it was important and it WOULD BE an unpredictable month. (I don't think anyone took my advice)
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass
It started us on a path of retrogrades with odd behavior and confusion. That New Moon featured a Gemini Stellium, with 4 planets in Rx motion (Venus, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto). For Chicago, the intercepted house allowed Uranus to have all of the power. Hidden Power.
Mars moved direct towards Neptune in Pisces. This helped us have a great deal of MUCH NEEDED Empathy. At the same time, with 3 Outer Planets Rx (Pluto & Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius), making a Sandwich out of Jupiter, Jove just gave up. I would say, so did many of us.
Pluto worked in an uncomfortable backward direction with Saturn, it gave Hades plenty of time to hide himself. Gemini was fast to spread its message. Mercury was direct, it is not known for details in Gemini. It likes LOTS OF INFO. Do you remember the constant changing information, from that particular time period? The Virgo Ascendant made this a Mercury ruled chart. Mercury had a cooperative partner with Venus Gemini Rx, YES, A RETROGRADE VENUS in Gemini AND A RETROGRADE SATURN who was backing up in Aquarius. See the chart below.
When we evaluate each Month of 2020, up to THIS POINT, in October, we must reexamine the New Moon of May 22nd, 2020 with particular interest. In May, I posted an article, you can review entitled, "The New Moon in Gemini in May 22nd, 2020". I knew it was important and it WOULD BE an unpredictable month. (I don't think anyone took my advice)
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass
It started us on a path of retrogrades with odd behavior and confusion. That New Moon featured a Gemini Stellium, with 4 planets in Rx motion (Venus, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto). For Chicago, the intercepted house allowed Uranus to have all of the power. Hidden Power.
Mars moved direct towards Neptune in Pisces. This helped us have a great deal of MUCH NEEDED Empathy. At the same time, with 3 Outer Planets Rx (Pluto & Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius), making a Sandwich out of Jupiter, Jove just gave up. I would say, so did many of us.
Pluto worked in an uncomfortable backward direction with Saturn, it gave Hades plenty of time to hide himself. Gemini was fast to spread its message. Mercury was direct, it is not known for details in Gemini. It likes LOTS OF INFO. Do you remember the constant changing information, from that particular time period? The Virgo Ascendant made this a Mercury ruled chart. Mercury had a cooperative partner with Venus Gemini Rx, YES, A RETROGRADE VENUS in Gemini AND A RETROGRADE SATURN who was backing up in Aquarius. See the chart below.
Mars in Pisces drunk-angry-emotional as it drove you to the bank. Mercury in Gemini talked the entire time. Your brain was a haze of confusion, at this point, you are not even sure what Venus looked like under that mask. May a terrifying nightmare you try to forget. I hope you did not start a relationship, partnership or financial contract at that time, because this October Full Moon will surely make you say, what have I done?
With the Nodes in the sign of Gemini/Sagittarius, the legal process was front and center and needed review. Mars became the leader of that New Moon and It had the best intentions, until it didn't.
Uranus had a all the big surprises in Taurus, after all he was still direct.
Unfortunately, Hades and Father Time made a partnership LONG AGO with the Help of Neptune in Pisces, Plutonian Forces fooled the best of us. Neptune so happy to deceive us ALL.
NOW we come to the October 31, 2020, Full Moon.
With the Nodes in the sign of Gemini/Sagittarius, the legal process was front and center and needed review. Mars became the leader of that New Moon and It had the best intentions, until it didn't.
Uranus had a all the big surprises in Taurus, after all he was still direct.
Unfortunately, Hades and Father Time made a partnership LONG AGO with the Help of Neptune in Pisces, Plutonian Forces fooled the best of us. Neptune so happy to deceive us ALL.
NOW we come to the October 31, 2020, Full Moon.
10/31/2020 Chicago Full Moon at 9:49 AM:
Sun 8° Scorpio 38, Full Moon 8° Taurus 38, ASC 6° Sagittarius 19
(1 Fire, 5 Earth, 2 Water, 2 Air) 6 planets in Cardinal signs
Sun 8° Scorpio 38, Full Moon 8° Taurus 38, ASC 6° Sagittarius 19
(1 Fire, 5 Earth, 2 Water, 2 Air) 6 planets in Cardinal signs
The full Moon is conjunct a retrograde Uranus in Taurus opposing a Scorpio Sun. Note that Uranus is not working at its “shall we say”, FULLEST POTENTIAL. It will not be so gifted at offering surprises. It will not be a good month for revolutions.
The public opinion will move to a Venusian approach. Venus in Libra is a bit more preoccupied with beauty and finance. As she approaches the Big boys Direct (Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn) she is questioning the state of affairs. They rented her home for the summer and she is not incredibly happy with how they left, not just her home, but the entire street! They continue to argue with a Retrograde Mars in Aries, and she expects ALL OF THEM to pay for the damages. Do not think for a moment that Venus is weak in Libra she is very strong indeed. She will fairly survey the damage and ad up the cost.
When comparing the charts note the Full Moon is at 8 degrees of Taurus conjunct an Rx Uranus. The same degree as a DIRECT 8 degree Uranus from May 22nd, 2020 New Moon. Expect more opposing ideas, pointing fingers at each other for the blame. That particular Degree in Taurus is where Uranus was parked when all of this began.
After Mercury moves direct on November 3rd, Money and Finance will be the topics of the day. In regards to this election, IT TRULY IS ABOUT MONEY. Where is the money spent ? Who will pay for what ? The bills are now due. Venus in Libra in the 10th house, a Virgo Midheaven and a Sagittarius Ascendant. A Jupiter Ruled Chart with Venus representing the highest placement for the Chicago Chart. (You know who that is) Libra will bring in the accountants and the lawyers. What a mess, she will not be so accepting of unpleasantness. When Mercury moves into Scorpio, SHE will have PLENTY to say about those finances. Expect the real scope and magnitude of the pandemic, with the summer destruction and business losses to have a monumental dollar figure attached.
With planets moving into Scorpio, the insurance companies will ALSO have PLENTY to say. THEY will not be picking up the Tab,
“you didn’t notice that fine print in your contract” Says Pluto. Saturn hands you a policy book, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn have a big price tag with many strings attached.
As Venus approaches the Capricorn Alliance, IN THE 2ND HOUSE, they will have many disagreements over those bills. In Mundane Astrology, the 2nd house is associated with, home trade, money markets, banks and financial institutions, investments, consumer spending, commerce, wealth and values and debt owed by the nation to others. With Pluto in the middle of Jupiter and Saturn he is holding the purse. Also remember the 2nd house represents the conditions of supply and demand. Pluto is very important in the Chicago City Chart.
So exactly what does this mean for local government?
After Mercury moves direct on November 3rd, Money and Finance will be the topics of the day. In regards to this election, IT TRULY IS ABOUT MONEY. Where is the money spent ? Who will pay for what ? The bills are now due. Venus in Libra in the 10th house, a Virgo Midheaven and a Sagittarius Ascendant. A Jupiter Ruled Chart with Venus representing the highest placement for the Chicago Chart. (You know who that is) Libra will bring in the accountants and the lawyers. What a mess, she will not be so accepting of unpleasantness. When Mercury moves into Scorpio, SHE will have PLENTY to say about those finances. Expect the real scope and magnitude of the pandemic, with the summer destruction and business losses to have a monumental dollar figure attached.
With planets moving into Scorpio, the insurance companies will ALSO have PLENTY to say. THEY will not be picking up the Tab,
“you didn’t notice that fine print in your contract” Says Pluto. Saturn hands you a policy book, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn have a big price tag with many strings attached.
As Venus approaches the Capricorn Alliance, IN THE 2ND HOUSE, they will have many disagreements over those bills. In Mundane Astrology, the 2nd house is associated with, home trade, money markets, banks and financial institutions, investments, consumer spending, commerce, wealth and values and debt owed by the nation to others. With Pluto in the middle of Jupiter and Saturn he is holding the purse. Also remember the 2nd house represents the conditions of supply and demand. Pluto is very important in the Chicago City Chart.
So exactly what does this mean for local government?
The saddest part of the October 31st, 2020 Full Moon is the Axis of the 5th and 11th houses.
In Mundane Astrology, the 5th house is associated with theatre, arts, places of entertainment, sports, fashion, leisure, children, games of chance, speculative interests, linked to Stock Exchange. This house represents enjoyment and fun.
The 11th house rules the institutions of government such as the legislature, Congress, Senate, purpose of the group as well as its hopes and dreams and friendships.
Remember this chart is specific for Local Government, also remember the chart FOA Inc, uses has a Scorpio Rising, and Pluto will ALWAYS RULE CHICAGO. (Chicago has 2 charts one for the public and one for who actually runs the place). What does this all mean? Are you confused? Good because that is what they want.
1st idea that comes to mind is a RE-IMAGINED “speakeasy” FOR 2020. Fine Dining is the new re-imagined illegal speakeasies. Oh, Pluto you are something else. Instead of Russian Roulette you tempt Patrons with the Pomegranate of an illegal Tapas Bar with a group of people during a pandemic. Oh, that Pluto, it has a warped idea about illegal business pursuits. “Yes, you can smoke pot in your home”, says the Big Boys. A dream of many seniors, BUT “there is a catch”. Honestly, Neptune really must be in charge of Marketing.
WHEN you have uncontrollable craving to eat at your favorite Restaurant. Pluto will put Hand cuffs on you. Yes Gambling is legal and many establishments have gambling machines for you to play, except one thing lurking in the background, the invisible enemy.
“We are so sorry, if you touch that slot machine, well it might kill you” These are the insidious agreements we fail to understand, until AFTER the agreement is made with Pluto in Capricorn’s sign.
The Sun in Pluto’s sign housed, in the 11th house opposes Crazy Rx Uranus with the Moon in Taurus. You never know, your stubborn dad could call you from Jail because he went out for a steak dinner. He wants to be a revolutionary just like you. Or it could be something much worse in a week or two.
The oddest behavior that will continue, somehow Pluto and Saturn will make sure your wearing that Mask no matter what your doing. Strangely even the Criminals comply with the mask mandate. But then again in these times, anything we do may be against the Law, Pluto likes that Power and Saturn is helping Hades find new ways to torture us.
In following weeks, Jupiter will make a conjunction with Pluto and that degree will magnify the plutonian forces among us. Pluto is currently at the same degree as the January 10th, 2020 eclipse. That Eclipse featured a Cancer Moon. We are still under the influence of that Lunar eclipse. As we enter Pluto’s favorite month. When Persephone joins her husband, even she will want to leave. But for now, none of us can.
In Mundane Astrology, the 5th house is associated with theatre, arts, places of entertainment, sports, fashion, leisure, children, games of chance, speculative interests, linked to Stock Exchange. This house represents enjoyment and fun.
The 11th house rules the institutions of government such as the legislature, Congress, Senate, purpose of the group as well as its hopes and dreams and friendships.
Remember this chart is specific for Local Government, also remember the chart FOA Inc, uses has a Scorpio Rising, and Pluto will ALWAYS RULE CHICAGO. (Chicago has 2 charts one for the public and one for who actually runs the place). What does this all mean? Are you confused? Good because that is what they want.
1st idea that comes to mind is a RE-IMAGINED “speakeasy” FOR 2020. Fine Dining is the new re-imagined illegal speakeasies. Oh, Pluto you are something else. Instead of Russian Roulette you tempt Patrons with the Pomegranate of an illegal Tapas Bar with a group of people during a pandemic. Oh, that Pluto, it has a warped idea about illegal business pursuits. “Yes, you can smoke pot in your home”, says the Big Boys. A dream of many seniors, BUT “there is a catch”. Honestly, Neptune really must be in charge of Marketing.
WHEN you have uncontrollable craving to eat at your favorite Restaurant. Pluto will put Hand cuffs on you. Yes Gambling is legal and many establishments have gambling machines for you to play, except one thing lurking in the background, the invisible enemy.
“We are so sorry, if you touch that slot machine, well it might kill you” These are the insidious agreements we fail to understand, until AFTER the agreement is made with Pluto in Capricorn’s sign.
The Sun in Pluto’s sign housed, in the 11th house opposes Crazy Rx Uranus with the Moon in Taurus. You never know, your stubborn dad could call you from Jail because he went out for a steak dinner. He wants to be a revolutionary just like you. Or it could be something much worse in a week or two.
The oddest behavior that will continue, somehow Pluto and Saturn will make sure your wearing that Mask no matter what your doing. Strangely even the Criminals comply with the mask mandate. But then again in these times, anything we do may be against the Law, Pluto likes that Power and Saturn is helping Hades find new ways to torture us.
In following weeks, Jupiter will make a conjunction with Pluto and that degree will magnify the plutonian forces among us. Pluto is currently at the same degree as the January 10th, 2020 eclipse. That Eclipse featured a Cancer Moon. We are still under the influence of that Lunar eclipse. As we enter Pluto’s favorite month. When Persephone joins her husband, even she will want to leave. But for now, none of us can.
Regarding the Pandemic. I want all my Illinois readers to know the month of May brought the greatest number of fatalities for this state, (to date) In addition to all the darkness we experienced on our television sets. I have spent the entire year keeping tabs on this pandemic. Astrologers know more than we have been telling you. But you need to be careful now. OK, I could math and data you for pages, but I know most of you are more focused on the election.
Astrology is a bit dark in these times.
This is a critical month for Chicago. Father Time and Hades travel in the night with light feet So “Remember November” We are now in the eclipse window.
Stay Safe, Stay healthy and I wish you Peace.
Pamela Kokott
Astrology is a bit dark in these times.
This is a critical month for Chicago. Father Time and Hades travel in the night with light feet So “Remember November” We are now in the eclipse window.
Stay Safe, Stay healthy and I wish you Peace.
Pamela Kokott
We have 2 remaining lectures for the Month of November
Make sure to attend, here are your links for more information.
November 13th, Julia Purdy, Missives from Jupiter
November 20th, Ever Reese; Law of Attraction Degree
Make sure to attend, here are your links for more information.
November 13th, Julia Purdy, Missives from Jupiter
November 20th, Ever Reese; Law of Attraction Degree