11/30/2020 Chicago Lunar Eclipse at 3:29 AM:
Sun 8° Gemini 38, Full Moon 8° Sagittarius 38, ASC 26° Libra 57
(2 Fire, 4 Earth, 3 Water, 1 Air) 4 Cardinal, 3 Fixed, 3 Mutable
Sun 8° Gemini 38, Full Moon 8° Sagittarius 38, ASC 26° Libra 57
(2 Fire, 4 Earth, 3 Water, 1 Air) 4 Cardinal, 3 Fixed, 3 Mutable
The Lunar eclipse is across the Sagittarius/Gemini Axis
On November 30th we have a Lunar Eclipse at 8° Gemini 38
Chicago Ascendant at 26° Libra 57, Venus 10° Scorpio 57, ruling the chart.
Venus opposes Rx Uranus 7° Taurus 32 semi-sextile the Gemini Full Moon
Sagittarius Sun, quincunx Rx Uranus
Mercury 27° Scorpio 46 semi-sextile, Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn in Capricorn
Neptune now direct 18° Pisces square Sagittarius/Gemini axis with a wide orb.
Mars in Aries gives ease to this eclipse. Remember, any event can use an aspect and that includes a Virus.
On November 30th we have a Lunar Eclipse at 8° Gemini 38
Chicago Ascendant at 26° Libra 57, Venus 10° Scorpio 57, ruling the chart.
Venus opposes Rx Uranus 7° Taurus 32 semi-sextile the Gemini Full Moon
Sagittarius Sun, quincunx Rx Uranus
Mercury 27° Scorpio 46 semi-sextile, Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn in Capricorn
Neptune now direct 18° Pisces square Sagittarius/Gemini axis with a wide orb.
Mars in Aries gives ease to this eclipse. Remember, any event can use an aspect and that includes a Virus.
Let us explore some passages from
"The American Book of Nutrition & Medical Astrology" by Eileen Nauman
"The American Book of Nutrition & Medical Astrology" by Eileen Nauman
"The lungs also fall under Gemini's domain. Where is Sagittarius represents exhaled breath, Gemini represents inhaled breath. This oxygenation that reaches the blood is of concern; without proper amounts of oxygen, a person will feel mentally dull and tired".
"Sagittarius also rules the expiratory functions of the lung: fresh oxygen cannot be used effectively if the carbon dioxide is not expelled properly".
“Pisces is also directly connected with the amount of mucus in our bodies. Mucus Excess can clog up many organs, adversely affecting their respective functions”
"Sagittarius also rules the expiratory functions of the lung: fresh oxygen cannot be used effectively if the carbon dioxide is not expelled properly".
“Pisces is also directly connected with the amount of mucus in our bodies. Mucus Excess can clog up many organs, adversely affecting their respective functions”
For the month of November, pandemic case numbers have increased across the country. The State of Illinois continues to have New daily case numbers over 10,000.
As of November 20th, the entire state of Illinois is back under tier 3 mitigation. Simply put, we are to stay home as much as possible. Indoor dining is currently banned. 25% Maximum Capacity at health and fitness centers, hotels, beauty parlors and retail store. We are instructed, to only leave the house to shop for groceries, visit a doctor and work from home, if possible. Children are asked to not attend school, in person and to participate remotely. A Face Mask is to be worn in all public spaces. The most dangerous act one can engage in, is having dinner with another human or attend a large gathering. We are advised to not visit family members in person, or plan gatherings for Thanksgiving.
As of November 20th, the entire state of Illinois is back under tier 3 mitigation. Simply put, we are to stay home as much as possible. Indoor dining is currently banned. 25% Maximum Capacity at health and fitness centers, hotels, beauty parlors and retail store. We are instructed, to only leave the house to shop for groceries, visit a doctor and work from home, if possible. Children are asked to not attend school, in person and to participate remotely. A Face Mask is to be worn in all public spaces. The most dangerous act one can engage in, is having dinner with another human or attend a large gathering. We are advised to not visit family members in person, or plan gatherings for Thanksgiving.
Neptune now direct, Square within 10 degrees of this Eclipse Axis. It seems to be far enough away, that our noisy friends, the Sun and Moon, do not seem to notice. Sagittarius and Gemini will only acknowledge the danger to a point. Everyone has their own Truth.
Gemini and Sagittarius (when together) love to have conversations with themselves about nothing in particular. Striving for the truth can be difficult when both signs move quickly from topic to topic, like a teeter totter. It is obvious to anyone paying attention, that neither sign is engaging in any kind of dialogue. And it makes a lot of sense, that a viral pandemic under the influence of this eclipse, would tend to move just as quickly. Upon reading this article you may find, that you know at least one person or several, who are currently in the hospital, or seeking self-treatment at home after a positive test, for this Virus.
Gemini and Sagittarius (when together) love to have conversations with themselves about nothing in particular. Striving for the truth can be difficult when both signs move quickly from topic to topic, like a teeter totter. It is obvious to anyone paying attention, that neither sign is engaging in any kind of dialogue. And it makes a lot of sense, that a viral pandemic under the influence of this eclipse, would tend to move just as quickly. Upon reading this article you may find, that you know at least one person or several, who are currently in the hospital, or seeking self-treatment at home after a positive test, for this Virus.
Legal matters are tested under Sagittarius : Currently residents in many states have litigated against lock downs and our constitution (greatly impacted with these eclipse points) is protecting the concept of free assembly. (Protesting and attending a religious service are protected) Unfortunately are tendency to assemble freely is a large factor in our current dilemma. Gemini can take credit for opposing views within different protests and assembly.
When all the protesting started, Mars and Plutonian Forces were engaging in activities that needed to be revealed for change. Unfortunately, the Virus quietly infected and traveled across the country with younger individuals with less complications of health.
As the Virus once again encountered an older demographic, this eclipse seemed to activate that change. The irony is some individuals decided they would not gather for Thanksgiving over Politics. Pluto had other plans. Neighbors are currently expressing contempt for other neighbors. People they have not actually had any kind of conversation with, in many years. Arguing for the sake of argument. They honestly do not even remember WHAT they are arguing about. Somewhere under all this, a crazy impression that the virus only infects "those people". Do not worry Gemini and Sagittarius are about to let you know, all of us, ARE THOSE PEOPLE.
When all the protesting started, Mars and Plutonian Forces were engaging in activities that needed to be revealed for change. Unfortunately, the Virus quietly infected and traveled across the country with younger individuals with less complications of health.
As the Virus once again encountered an older demographic, this eclipse seemed to activate that change. The irony is some individuals decided they would not gather for Thanksgiving over Politics. Pluto had other plans. Neighbors are currently expressing contempt for other neighbors. People they have not actually had any kind of conversation with, in many years. Arguing for the sake of argument. They honestly do not even remember WHAT they are arguing about. Somewhere under all this, a crazy impression that the virus only infects "those people". Do not worry Gemini and Sagittarius are about to let you know, all of us, ARE THOSE PEOPLE.
Sabian Symbol for this degree 8° Sagittarius
Rocks and things forming therein
Rocks and things forming therein
-WHEN POSITIVE, the degree is exceptional ability to mold or remold the course of events
-WHEN NEGATIVE, persisting inner confusion
Under the influence of Uranus
Draught horse pulling a load of chains up a hill, at the top of which is a great revolving wheel.
Denotes one who is limited, edged in, bound, and restricted, whose way is paved with difficulties which threaten and torment.
It is a symbol of Oppression
-WHEN POSITIVE, the degree is exceptional ability to mold or remold the course of events
-WHEN NEGATIVE, persisting inner confusion
Under the influence of Uranus
Draught horse pulling a load of chains up a hill, at the top of which is a great revolving wheel.
Denotes one who is limited, edged in, bound, and restricted, whose way is paved with difficulties which threaten and torment.
It is a symbol of Oppression
Sabian Symbol for this degree 8° Gemini
An industrial strike
An industrial strike
-WHEN POSITIVE, the degree is undeviating self-assertiveness and a refusal to accept any lesser in lieu of greater
-WHEN NEGATIVE, a dissatisfaction which surrenders rather than regrasps the self’s potential
Under the influence of the Sun
A winged horse in mid-air with the Sun Above its head
Denotes an ambitious person of proud, aspiring nature, who seeks to rise, and who desires honor and reputation.
It is a symbol of Elevation
-WHEN POSITIVE, the degree is undeviating self-assertiveness and a refusal to accept any lesser in lieu of greater
-WHEN NEGATIVE, a dissatisfaction which surrenders rather than regrasps the self’s potential
Under the influence of the Sun
A winged horse in mid-air with the Sun Above its head
Denotes an ambitious person of proud, aspiring nature, who seeks to rise, and who desires honor and reputation.
It is a symbol of Elevation
Jupiter and Saturn now travel within 2 degrees of Capricorn. They will help Pluto with his long-term action plan, ignoring our delusional Neptunium Truths. Capricorn will methodically find a solution. Prior to this eclipse, the Fair Tax was rejected by the Illinois voters at the polls. Now leaders are joining together for other solutions. I happened to listen to a City Council Meeting Live Via Zoom and was able to generate this chart time for the official vote. The I's have it.
November 24th at 1:35 PM live on Zoom
The City of Chicago Voted for a 94 Million Dollar Property Tax Increase.
The City of Chicago Voted for a 94 Million Dollar Property Tax Increase.
What can we say about this chart ? This is a New Era for Chicago and a Mars ruled chart for this action.
If you review the ebb and flow of how the planets have moved across the Sky for Chicago, we knew this was coming the minute Venus and Mercury were in Mutual reception at the Taurus Full Moon on October 31st 2020. With the big hitters in that 2nd house.
Take a look where they were for the current Tax Vote (11th) Would we expect any less with that packed 11th house (Local Government). This Tax Increase does not look like a local government that will be removing the police anytime soon. At the same time, the 6th and 12th house interception across Virgo and Pisces will put emphasis on tailoring the revenue from this budget, to address the public's concern for health and safety, civil service and sanitation workers and police, while larger institutions, hospitals, prisons, and work behind the scenes. Has Chicago come to the realization that it has mental health problems related to addiction ?
Finally, as we review the chart for the property Tax Increase, take note of The Aries ASC, with a conjunct Aries Moon, trine the Sagittarius Sun. All of this strength with Mars direct in Aries. The eclipse moving into that 8 degree sweet spot, this was a very good day to hold the vote. The Mayor does not realize what fantastic aspects she had for a yes. Plus, this vote works well with her Natal Leo Planets. Expect more action in the coming weeks. The intercepted houses in this chart have some hidden information that has not been revealed to the public as of yet. Perhaps, we still do not have an accurate number for the Revenue generated for legal Cannabis ? That would be covered under Neptune.
And the following Day
On November 25th, at aprox 2:30PM Gov. J.B. Pritzker has announced the state would give notice to the federal government that it plans to borrow $2 billion from a federal program created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in an effort to fill the state’s budget deficit. This announcement came the following day after the mayor of Chicago was able to pass a 94 Million Dollar Tax Increase. (The Moon was still in Aries and conjunct Mars in Aries, when the governor announced this).
Both of these events will impact the residents of Illinois and are part of this eclipse window.
it certainly gives us much to think about.
If you review the ebb and flow of how the planets have moved across the Sky for Chicago, we knew this was coming the minute Venus and Mercury were in Mutual reception at the Taurus Full Moon on October 31st 2020. With the big hitters in that 2nd house.
Take a look where they were for the current Tax Vote (11th) Would we expect any less with that packed 11th house (Local Government). This Tax Increase does not look like a local government that will be removing the police anytime soon. At the same time, the 6th and 12th house interception across Virgo and Pisces will put emphasis on tailoring the revenue from this budget, to address the public's concern for health and safety, civil service and sanitation workers and police, while larger institutions, hospitals, prisons, and work behind the scenes. Has Chicago come to the realization that it has mental health problems related to addiction ?
Finally, as we review the chart for the property Tax Increase, take note of The Aries ASC, with a conjunct Aries Moon, trine the Sagittarius Sun. All of this strength with Mars direct in Aries. The eclipse moving into that 8 degree sweet spot, this was a very good day to hold the vote. The Mayor does not realize what fantastic aspects she had for a yes. Plus, this vote works well with her Natal Leo Planets. Expect more action in the coming weeks. The intercepted houses in this chart have some hidden information that has not been revealed to the public as of yet. Perhaps, we still do not have an accurate number for the Revenue generated for legal Cannabis ? That would be covered under Neptune.
And the following Day
On November 25th, at aprox 2:30PM Gov. J.B. Pritzker has announced the state would give notice to the federal government that it plans to borrow $2 billion from a federal program created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in an effort to fill the state’s budget deficit. This announcement came the following day after the mayor of Chicago was able to pass a 94 Million Dollar Tax Increase. (The Moon was still in Aries and conjunct Mars in Aries, when the governor announced this).
Both of these events will impact the residents of Illinois and are part of this eclipse window.
it certainly gives us much to think about.