"The thinkers New Moon"
"Brainstorming New Moon"
5/22/2020 Chicago New Moon at 12:38 PM:
Sun and Moon 2° Gemini 5, ASC 4° Virgo 50
(0 Fire, 3 Earth, 2 Water, 5 Air) and 6 Planets in Mutable Signs
Sun and Moon 2° Gemini 5, ASC 4° Virgo 50
(0 Fire, 3 Earth, 2 Water, 5 Air) and 6 Planets in Mutable Signs
- New Moon in Gemini, with Venus Rx conjunct Mercury. Gemini New Moon Trine Saturn Rx Aquarius. Think Quirky and Eccentric
Hopefully all of this scattered information will not crash the internet.
Air Energy enjoys conversation and it has many topics to highlight.
Brainstorming is the perfect way to use this energy.
Gemini likes 2 options it will not choose, it will have both.
Keep a pencil and paper handy, because inspiration will come quickly.
Write it down, you don't want to miss those flashes of innovation that often come with heavy Air transits
Saturn in Aquarius explains the ground work for many ideas to choose from and Gemini wants to use all of them
- Mars, Neptune in Pisces
Expect strange stories to surface with this New Moon. Many ideas. Some useful and some questionable. "Truthiness" not really a word, more of a state of mind.
Everyone believes in their own truth. Many of us will hear some of the oddest ideas from friends, family and of course the news. It will be an "overflow" of "inspiration". Take the good with the bad.
- 3 outer planets (moving slowly through the Earth signs: Uranus in Taurus, Jupiter Rx, Pluto Rx in Capricorn) Not so willing to believe anything unproven for the long-term.
Pluto Rx and Jupiter Rx want big structural plans for the long haul. Gemini and Aquarius have PLENTY of ideas but without Fire and a confused Mars and many planets in Rx, this presents us with short-term solutions.
And remember, you won't be the only one thinking in rapid motion. Many of us will. The New Moon does have a Trine with Saturn, very helpful to solve odd problems, puzzles. The problem: Choosing, Mars in Pisces is not entirely sure, with Gemini you will always find two solutions and just when you think the solution is decided, Saturn in Aquarius presents the structure for an entirely different idea . The future is uncertain this will not be the final answer, you may have to change directions more than once. Mutable energy will help make it bearable
Good Luck deciding! Pamela Kokott