Saturday, January 9, 2021 @ 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm CST Via Zoom. Register HERE
Saturday, January 9, 2021 @ 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm CST Via Zoom. Register HERE
12/14/2020 Chicago Solar Eclipse at 10:16 AM:
Sun and Moon 23° Sagittarius 8, ASC 11° Aquarius 35
(4 Fire, 4 Earth, 2 Water, 0 Air) 4 Cardinal, 2 Fixed, 4 Mutable
Sun and Moon 23° Sagittarius 8, ASC 11° Aquarius 35
(4 Fire, 4 Earth, 2 Water, 0 Air) 4 Cardinal, 2 Fixed, 4 Mutable
The previous full Moon eclipse may have left you with scattered energies and feeling of instability. Many ideas to review and yet no final decision has been made.
On December 14th we will have a New Moon in Sagittarius at 23 Degrees.
Again, A Natal planet at 23 Degrees in any sign is extremely important.
This is the LAST TIME, Saturn and Jupiter will have influence together in the earth signs.
We really need to look back, to that May 28th Taurus Conjunction and review the last 20 years of our lives. Pluto in Virgo, Pluto in Libra and Pluto in Scorpio share a similar experience. Graduating from College, starting a new Job with positive career prospects only to find the economy crashing down upon us. We repeat the same action as we are told to RETRAIN for the Jobs of tomorrow. Only to find the economy once again crashing down upon us. Then again repeating the same steps, only to find less prospects.
On December 14th we will have a New Moon in Sagittarius at 23 Degrees.
Again, A Natal planet at 23 Degrees in any sign is extremely important.
This is the LAST TIME, Saturn and Jupiter will have influence together in the earth signs.
We really need to look back, to that May 28th Taurus Conjunction and review the last 20 years of our lives. Pluto in Virgo, Pluto in Libra and Pluto in Scorpio share a similar experience. Graduating from College, starting a new Job with positive career prospects only to find the economy crashing down upon us. We repeat the same action as we are told to RETRAIN for the Jobs of tomorrow. Only to find the economy once again crashing down upon us. Then again repeating the same steps, only to find less prospects.
The Service/Servant economy has now encountered a Pandemic. For Chicago, the only Work Force that remains: Cannabis, School Teachers Healthcare and of course the wide-open career of the gig economy VIA Delivery Service. (I guess we should have applied for a CDL License, but that was not an option with our Career Counselors) 2020 officially ended many projects, goals, and unobtainable fantasies from that May 28th, 2000 Conjunction.
So, let us call the time of the Death for “The Service Economy” 12/14/2020 10:16 AM
So, let us call the time of the Death for “The Service Economy” 12/14/2020 10:16 AM
Now for the Solar eclipse in Sagittarius.
“Picture the centaur shooting an arrow, half man/half horse living in the mountains of the land of mythical centaurs, the birthplace of Achilles, the hero of the Trojan war and the father of medicine”.
“Picture the centaur shooting an arrow, half man/half horse living in the mountains of the land of mythical centaurs, the birthplace of Achilles, the hero of the Trojan war and the father of medicine”.
We can offer a few clues by reviewing a previous eclipse from December 14th, 2001 with the south node. (Remember this is after, the 2000 conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn in Taurus).
2002 began the year with Taiwan officially joining the world trade organization
The Treaty named “Open Skies Mutual Surveillance Treaty” it officially came into force.
President George Bush signs “The no Child left behind act”.
Kmart becomes the largest retailer in the United States history to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
The state of the union address, Pres. George W. Bush describes regimes that sponsor terrorism named “terror” as an “axis of evil” which include IRAQ, IRAN, AND NORTH KOREA.
Our country in the aftermath of 911, in a state of Mourning and Shock.
Air travel would never be the same.
2002 began the year with Taiwan officially joining the world trade organization
The Treaty named “Open Skies Mutual Surveillance Treaty” it officially came into force.
President George Bush signs “The no Child left behind act”.
Kmart becomes the largest retailer in the United States history to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
The state of the union address, Pres. George W. Bush describes regimes that sponsor terrorism named “terror” as an “axis of evil” which include IRAQ, IRAN, AND NORTH KOREA.
Our country in the aftermath of 911, in a state of Mourning and Shock.
Air travel would never be the same.
2002 was a year of the beginning of endless military conflict, terrorist attacks, several countries with thriving economies and competing markets for oil in conflicts based in religious ideology. Old conflicts and history, most Americans new nothing about.
Perhaps fighting to free other countries and bring Democracy seemed like a good idea. Yet we underestimated the power of religion when combined with the possession of a needed resource like oil. 20 years of perpetual war, led to many countries becoming destabilized and a great migration of people, currently in 2020, wondering around the globe trying to find a place of SAFE refuge.
This Eclipse can shoot an arrow, that is harbinger of religious military conflict. Will the new administration dust off the old game and return the traditional chess pieces? Pluto in Leo, certainly has a willing participant with Pluto in Sagittarius. This group in fire seems to have a desire for the fight. Will our youth willingly embrace the Industrial Military Complex? The Fire sign of Sagittarius is KNOWN for Justice and ITS OWN CONCEPT OF ideological principals.
We have gone from trying to “preserve the oil”, to “no one should use the oil”
The Centaurs are extremely confused with Neptune in Pisces, making a hard aspect with this eclipse.
PLEASE, Do not try to bomb the world into being Carbon neutral, that would NOT BE A GOOD IDEA. It certainly did not work for installing Democracy or Religious Domination.
When the Grand conjunction moves into the sign of Aquarius, Pluto in Leo, let me introduce you to "Aquarius", this will present some challenges to this past pattern of conflict.
We can ponder the trine between this solar eclipse and Mars. We must remember that many individuals holding onto power currently have Pluto in Leo and it will be a particularly important to review all the chess pieces WHEN THEY ARE PLACED ON THE BOARD. The future battle lines will be drawn over ideological views based on Carbon Out. This eclipse will have us question prior conflicts. Leaders are also quite aware of the aggressive nature of the generation of centaurs, and they will be using many tools in the future to try and prevent what I have outlined above.
We are so preoccupied with this pandemic it may put a pause button on the industrial military complex just in time for Aquarius, I hope.
We will explore this in future articles.
Sabian Symbol for this degree 23° Sagittarius
Immigrants Entering
Immigrants Entering
-WHEN POSITIVE, the degree is courage in crossing new frontiers and skill in repeating or improving on prior achievement
-WHEN NEGATIVE, a surrender of the real in a pursuit of the false.
Under the influence of the Sun
A bee stinging a roaring lion.
Denotes one of sharp, stinging wit, of democratic feeling, and fine order of intellect, who is bound to gain distinction of some kind. A clear and sensible view.
It is a symbol of Stimulation
-WHEN POSITIVE, the degree is courage in crossing new frontiers and skill in repeating or improving on prior achievement
-WHEN NEGATIVE, a surrender of the real in a pursuit of the false.
Under the influence of the Sun
A bee stinging a roaring lion.
Denotes one of sharp, stinging wit, of democratic feeling, and fine order of intellect, who is bound to gain distinction of some kind. A clear and sensible view.
It is a symbol of Stimulation
For Chicago, this New Moon Eclipse has an intense amount of energy for the 10th and 12th house. With Venus in the 9th at the very top of this Chart. What can this possibly mean?
Not a single planet in the 11th house and so the aldermen are being squeezed by the circumstances. We can thank the entry of Uranus Rx in Taurus for our problems (currently in the 3rd house) and yet at the same time, we can also Thank Uranus for pushing us to change.
Sun, Moon, Mercury, South Node in Sagittarius in the 10th house:
This is the house which rules the government, the leadership, the Mayor.
The 10th House will seed New beginnings for those topics under the realm of Sagittarius:
Judicial system, courts, religion, higher education, publishing, sportsman, travel, and transportation systems.
The Moon signifies the population. It especially rules women, food supplies, an indicator of the quality of life and rules internal security issues.
For Chicago, this New Moon Eclipse has an intense amount of energy for the 10th and 12th house. With Venus in the 9th at the very top of this Chart. What can this possibly mean?
Not a single planet in the 11th house and so the aldermen are being squeezed by the circumstances. We can thank the entry of Uranus Rx in Taurus for our problems (currently in the 3rd house) and yet at the same time, we can also Thank Uranus for pushing us to change.
Sun, Moon, Mercury, South Node in Sagittarius in the 10th house:
This is the house which rules the government, the leadership, the Mayor.
The 10th House will seed New beginnings for those topics under the realm of Sagittarius:
Judicial system, courts, religion, higher education, publishing, sportsman, travel, and transportation systems.
The Moon signifies the population. It especially rules women, food supplies, an indicator of the quality of life and rules internal security issues.
Mercury represents how an organization communicates with one another, travel by rail, sea, air, road, mail, speech, writing newspapers, magazines etc.
Education, intellectual movements, youth, and science.
Mercury in Sagittarius, when communicating opinions and ideas, this Mercury is direct and can be tactless. A fast-paced Mercury expect quick wit and changing opinions that are truthful. Even if it is painful to others. This Mercury will out talk the competition. In many cases, it will use the judicial system to make its point. Expect many arguments in the public forum.
Education, intellectual movements, youth, and science.
Mercury in Sagittarius, when communicating opinions and ideas, this Mercury is direct and can be tactless. A fast-paced Mercury expect quick wit and changing opinions that are truthful. Even if it is painful to others. This Mercury will out talk the competition. In many cases, it will use the judicial system to make its point. Expect many arguments in the public forum.
South Node Eclipse:
An old phase of experience ends, so that we can prepare for the New.
An old phase of experience ends, so that we can prepare for the New.
1st House - Corresponds to first impressions, the image of the people of Chicago in this time.
Aquarius on the Ascendant, currently it has been at the forefront of technology, and innovation with a vast network of highly educated masses helping to solve the many challenges this pandemic has brought the city of Chicago.
The ruler of this chart is Rx Uranus, posted in the 3rd house:
This represents the cities current methods of transportation, communications, roads, railways, telephones, newspapers, television, freedom of speech, the common language, the post office, and SCHOOLS.
Rx Uranus Taurus are areas of protest, disruption, and conflict. Taurus is slow to act and it will push back against the many changes Chicago will make in the coming months. This eclipse illustrates leaders in power, who are moving ahead, regardless of what others try to stop. The past organized disruptions have brought the city to its knees.
Neptune posted in the 1st house, intercepted in Pisces:
The City inhabitants with Neptune can indicates the conditions of the impoverished. Neptune rules alcohol, tobacco/cannabis, pharmaceuticals, and drugs that produce unconsciousness.
Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter in 12th House
12th House - hospitals, prisons, institutions, and any place of confinement.
This house rules things that are hidden or secret, hospitals, behind the scenes manipulation, human rights issues, criminals and crime, prisons, conditions of exile. With Saturn and Jupiter in the final degrees of Capricorn, our City leader has her mind on the many health care workers behind the scenes and the many lives we are losing in those hospitals. (Conflicts exist between the 12th house and the 2nd for the use of financial resources and the city’s revenues).
This shows a powerful configuration, represented by Pluto, currently in a stressful Square with Mars. Unscrupulous individuals are preying on the innocent and resources are stretched thin. Everyone wants protection from violence and the virus.
The activity in the 12th house shows a deep sad situation, conditions of exile for the patients and the hospital workers and our beloved elderly.
Make no mistake, this Pandemic is not over.
Aquarius on the Ascendant, currently it has been at the forefront of technology, and innovation with a vast network of highly educated masses helping to solve the many challenges this pandemic has brought the city of Chicago.
The ruler of this chart is Rx Uranus, posted in the 3rd house:
This represents the cities current methods of transportation, communications, roads, railways, telephones, newspapers, television, freedom of speech, the common language, the post office, and SCHOOLS.
Rx Uranus Taurus are areas of protest, disruption, and conflict. Taurus is slow to act and it will push back against the many changes Chicago will make in the coming months. This eclipse illustrates leaders in power, who are moving ahead, regardless of what others try to stop. The past organized disruptions have brought the city to its knees.
Neptune posted in the 1st house, intercepted in Pisces:
The City inhabitants with Neptune can indicates the conditions of the impoverished. Neptune rules alcohol, tobacco/cannabis, pharmaceuticals, and drugs that produce unconsciousness.
Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter in 12th House
12th House - hospitals, prisons, institutions, and any place of confinement.
This house rules things that are hidden or secret, hospitals, behind the scenes manipulation, human rights issues, criminals and crime, prisons, conditions of exile. With Saturn and Jupiter in the final degrees of Capricorn, our City leader has her mind on the many health care workers behind the scenes and the many lives we are losing in those hospitals. (Conflicts exist between the 12th house and the 2nd for the use of financial resources and the city’s revenues).
This shows a powerful configuration, represented by Pluto, currently in a stressful Square with Mars. Unscrupulous individuals are preying on the innocent and resources are stretched thin. Everyone wants protection from violence and the virus.
The activity in the 12th house shows a deep sad situation, conditions of exile for the patients and the hospital workers and our beloved elderly.
Make no mistake, this Pandemic is not over.
The 2nd house also shows how the collective feels about the security gained from material resources, societal values, and what society holds in high esteem.
With Mars in Aries posted in the 2nd house, ruling the police and the industrial labor force.
The city will be allocating its resources to reeducate its police force. This eclipse shows a city that has public support for Mars ruled actions.
The purpose of police in this instance is to protect the assets for the city of Chicago and its residents. Home trade, money markets, banks and financial institutions, investments, wealth, and values. This chart has a positive Trine.
(It can also indicate the criminal element and violent people in general). This is well aspected Mars signifies a balanced use of power with the Sun, Moon and Mercury.
Pluto in Capricorn square the Mars in Aries. Entrenched systems will be challenged by an Active Mars. The organized criminal element of society will meet its New Imagined Police Force
With Mars in Aries posted in the 2nd house, ruling the police and the industrial labor force.
The city will be allocating its resources to reeducate its police force. This eclipse shows a city that has public support for Mars ruled actions.
The purpose of police in this instance is to protect the assets for the city of Chicago and its residents. Home trade, money markets, banks and financial institutions, investments, wealth, and values. This chart has a positive Trine.
(It can also indicate the criminal element and violent people in general). This is well aspected Mars signifies a balanced use of power with the Sun, Moon and Mercury.
Pluto in Capricorn square the Mars in Aries. Entrenched systems will be challenged by an Active Mars. The organized criminal element of society will meet its New Imagined Police Force
Venus in Scorpio in the 9th House with Neptune in Pisces in the water element, show a public that shares empathy.
They will join forces to try and engage everything that Sagittarius and the 9th house have to offer. – investment can come from foreign lands and foreigners, legal professions, religious affairs, and higher education. All will benefit from the Mayors New Budget. Venus will look to invest in protecting these key areas for the city of Chicago. College Professors, lawyers, higher education, publishing, and the immigrant population.
This house is also connected to foreign relations and long-distance travel. It indicates the type of philosophies within the city. It rules the courts, judges, churches, clergy, universities and professors, higher education, science, and satellite transmissions. Where income is produced and where funds are generated. This will be the area Mars will protect. Venus and Jupiter are sextile, with a little push and some effort, the Mayor will secure her budget with the people who run this city.
(Venus represents everything that is pleasant and enjoyable such as the arts, entertainment, music. It relates to resources and finances through bankers, financial institutions, and farming).
Currently with Neptune, I want to emphasize, the city is collecting taxes from legal cannabis and alcohol consumption via to go bags).
They will join forces to try and engage everything that Sagittarius and the 9th house have to offer. – investment can come from foreign lands and foreigners, legal professions, religious affairs, and higher education. All will benefit from the Mayors New Budget. Venus will look to invest in protecting these key areas for the city of Chicago. College Professors, lawyers, higher education, publishing, and the immigrant population.
This house is also connected to foreign relations and long-distance travel. It indicates the type of philosophies within the city. It rules the courts, judges, churches, clergy, universities and professors, higher education, science, and satellite transmissions. Where income is produced and where funds are generated. This will be the area Mars will protect. Venus and Jupiter are sextile, with a little push and some effort, the Mayor will secure her budget with the people who run this city.
(Venus represents everything that is pleasant and enjoyable such as the arts, entertainment, music. It relates to resources and finances through bankers, financial institutions, and farming).
Currently with Neptune, I want to emphasize, the city is collecting taxes from legal cannabis and alcohol consumption via to go bags).
The biggest 9th house question: What will happen to the city’s airport?
The 8.5 Billion Dollar Revamp? The funds were dependent on a key revenue source no longer producing. (Previous eclipse cycles have shown problems for Air travel and this eclipse will continue this trend) Chicago WAS a travel destination; The Pandemic has removed everything that makes the city enjoyable. This Airport, was a key project of the former Mayor, Rahm Emmanuel. His position for Transportation Secretary may be the key for future funding of this project. This eclipse will have an impact on this project.
Essentially, the city of Chicago has decided to move forward, and it will rely on science and the use of satellite transmissions to communicate within its city. In the coming months we will see Chicago move toward a digital footprint with education of the populous as its goal. Yes, there will still be many disagreements, this is after all Sagittarius.
The long-term future for the city of Chicago will FOCUS on these factors:
Education, Immigration, Safety, Travel and Internet Accessibility for the Cities residents.
The 8.5 Billion Dollar Revamp? The funds were dependent on a key revenue source no longer producing. (Previous eclipse cycles have shown problems for Air travel and this eclipse will continue this trend) Chicago WAS a travel destination; The Pandemic has removed everything that makes the city enjoyable. This Airport, was a key project of the former Mayor, Rahm Emmanuel. His position for Transportation Secretary may be the key for future funding of this project. This eclipse will have an impact on this project.
Essentially, the city of Chicago has decided to move forward, and it will rely on science and the use of satellite transmissions to communicate within its city. In the coming months we will see Chicago move toward a digital footprint with education of the populous as its goal. Yes, there will still be many disagreements, this is after all Sagittarius.
The long-term future for the city of Chicago will FOCUS on these factors:
Education, Immigration, Safety, Travel and Internet Accessibility for the Cities residents.
This is going to be a challenging time for Chicago, planning the next phase for your city, while a under the influence of a Pandemic, is not an easy task.
Sagittarius shoots its arrows of Hope in many directions.
Wishing you Hope for the future to come.
Pamela Kokott
Sagittarius shoots its arrows of Hope in many directions.
Wishing you Hope for the future to come.
Pamela Kokott