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- Friends of Astrology presents “The Southern Tropical Zodiac: A Holistic Astrology for the Future” by Nathan Theo Naicker on Friday, November 11, 2022 at 7:30 pm CST via Zoom
Friends of Astrology presents “The Southern Tropical Zodiac: A Holistic Astrology for the Future” by Nathan Theo Naicker on Friday, November 11, 2022 at 7:30 pm CST via Zoom
Friends of Astrology presents “The Southern Tropical Zodiac: A Holistic Astrology for the Future” by Nathan Theo Naicker on Friday, November 11, 2022 at 7:30 pm CST via Zoom
This talk presents five years of research using the Southern Tropical Zodiac. Original definitions of the tropical zodiac as a seasonal paradigm are updated for the southern hemisphere. Case studies using natal, mundane, horary, and elections feature, together with exceptions. An original understanding of the tropical zodiac for future generations.
Nāthan Theo has a background as a petroleum engineer in the oil and gas industry and has been practicing astrology professionally since 2014. He began learning psychological astrology in 2010, then moved onto traditional western astrology with qualifications in natal, horary, mundane, locational, and medical branches. He has a Diploma in Medieval Astrology (Zoller, 2012) and a Diploma in Astrological Studies (Suskin, 2014). Born into a strong Indian cultural heritage, he naturally gravitated toward eastern forms of astrology. Since 2016, he began studying a holistic form of Vedic Astrology, which combines meaning and techniques from astrological, scriptural, tantric, yogic and omenology in the Indian tradition and visits India 2-3 months a year for that purpose. His specialized consultations take into account factors from both Western and Vedic astrological traditions. Nāthan Theo runs retreats in South Africa, and hosts webinars, workshops, and private courses in South Africa and online. He has also run workshops and talks in Poland (2014) and the UK (2015-2017). Given his perspective for different forms of Astrology as complementary, he performs Rectification for clients and other astrologers around the world