Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn (exact). Intense for weeks, even months.
Confrontations are expressed as major social protests against actions that are intended to protect the nation, & to preserve law & order. Will we abandon aid to Ukraine, the Middle East, Taiwan, East Africa, elsewhere? Will these protests further conservative ideologies, or progressive ideals?
Action expresses the power of anger; the fear of power.
The U. S. Election – Dominating Themes
Pluto is still back in Capricorn, Sign of responsibility, authority, rules, organization.
The issues of the 10/2/24 Solar Eclipse in Libra will strongly affect the Election.
Active at this time:
Moon conjunct Venus in Sagittarius: Voters want to think well of themselves & to believe they are voting for the good of the country. But they also think it is good to vote against the opposing party.
Moon conjunct Venus in Sagittarius & both opposed by Jupiter in Gemini: Voters want stable social values that express “old-time” American optimism & American “exceptionalism”. Which party is seen to represent this? The conservatives or the progressives? Which party has put out the most effective propaganda & disinformation?
Moon & Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: Voters are conflicted over conservative fantasy versus progressive romantic idealism. Which will they vote for?
Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Uranus (out of Sign): The party that puts out the most effective propaganda & disinformation has the advantage.
Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Capricorn (out of Sign): Power goes to the voters who are the most angry at the opposing party.
Pluto goes back into Aquarius, & will be there until 2044.
This is a major long-term historical shift. This will be a major transition from group power to individual power.
Will Pluto in Aquarius see political & social power in the hands of ordinary individuals, who have technological control of information & freedom of thought? Or will this be a time of extreme power exercised by a few dominating individuals; not power to ordinary people. There will be an upheaval in the power structure: power for the sake of the very powerful versus power for the sake of civil & human rights.
This takes place after the November Election, but it may be decisive for the Election. No matter who wins the Election, the people in power may now be a few dominating individuals who will not see themselves as getting power democratically from the people. They will see themselves as “natural born leaders of destiny”. But ordinary people just want to live a good life, free of interference. Which will it be?
Will the GOP again reject any defeat, & claim they won no matter what? Will they be able to take over & enforce dictatorial power? Can democratic forces prevail? Which side will a conservative Supreme Court support?
Also active at this time:
Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus: The dominating leaders want to be masters of the upheaval, but the “masses” want freedom from the leaders.
Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius: The public, subject to the powers of enforcement see that “might makes right”. But most people resist self serving dictatorial power.
Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini: The principles of freedom will continue to be taught, even if they are outlawed. What will the new forms of law & justice look like?
Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces: Intense conflict continues between everything conservative versus anything progressive
Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn (exact). Intense for weeks, even months.
Confrontations are expressed as major social protests against actions that are intended to protect the nation, & to preserve law & order. Will we abandon aid to Ukraine, the Middle East, Taiwan, East Africa, elsewhere? Will these protests further conservative ideologies, or progressive ideals?
Action expresses the power of anger; the fear of power.
The U. S. Election – Dominating Themes
Pluto is still back in Capricorn, Sign of responsibility, authority, rules, organization.
The issues of the 10/2/24 Solar Eclipse in Libra will strongly affect the Election.
Active at this time:
Moon conjunct Venus in Sagittarius: Voters want to think well of themselves & to believe they are voting for the good of the country. But they also think it is good to vote against the opposing party.
Moon conjunct Venus in Sagittarius & both opposed by Jupiter in Gemini: Voters want stable social values that express “old-time” American optimism & American “exceptionalism”. Which party is seen to represent this? The conservatives or the progressives? Which party has put out the most effective propaganda & disinformation?
Moon & Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: Voters are conflicted over conservative fantasy versus progressive romantic idealism. Which will they vote for?
Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Uranus (out of Sign): The party that puts out the most effective propaganda & disinformation has the advantage.
Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Capricorn (out of Sign): Power goes to the voters who are the most angry at the opposing party.
Pluto goes back into Aquarius, & will be there until 2044.
This is a major long-term historical shift. This will be a major transition from group power to individual power.
Will Pluto in Aquarius see political & social power in the hands of ordinary individuals, who have technological control of information & freedom of thought? Or will this be a time of extreme power exercised by a few dominating individuals; not power to ordinary people. There will be an upheaval in the power structure: power for the sake of the very powerful versus power for the sake of civil & human rights.
This takes place after the November Election, but it may be decisive for the Election. No matter who wins the Election, the people in power may now be a few dominating individuals who will not see themselves as getting power democratically from the people. They will see themselves as “natural born leaders of destiny”. But ordinary people just want to live a good life, free of interference. Which will it be?
Will the GOP again reject any defeat, & claim they won no matter what? Will they be able to take over & enforce dictatorial power? Can democratic forces prevail? Which side will a conservative Supreme Court support?
Also active at this time:
Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus: The dominating leaders want to be masters of the upheaval, but the “masses” want freedom from the leaders.
Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius: The public, subject to the powers of enforcement see that “might makes right”. But most people resist self serving dictatorial power.
Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini: The principles of freedom will continue to be taught, even if they are outlawed. What will the new forms of law & justice look like?
Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces: Intense conflict continues between everything conservative versus anything progressive