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Friends of Astrology
208 Rosewood Court
Westmont, IL 60559-1577
Friends of Astrology
208 Rosewood Court
Westmont, IL 60559-1577
02/06/2015: Audio CD of Rev. Linda Oglesby, The first Zodical Map of the heavens Kemetic Astronomy dates to the 4th, 18th, and 25th dynasties and has been confirmed in the research of Jean Baptiste Biot, John Herschl, Charles Piazzi Smyth, and Norman Lockyer. Sometime between 6,000 and 12,000 years ago, star-gazing was transformed into a systematic observational science in the Nilotic lands of Africa. The first Zodical Map of the heavens is now located in Paris, Frances. We will examine the star maps/constellation and history of the making of the beginning of astrology/astronomy in this presentation presented by Rev. Linda Oglesby, MBA, during her recent tour of Egypt and its monuments
02/13/2015 OakBrook Maria Gross Lecture on CDThe sun moves through the sky within the invisible boundaries of the ecliptic, never varying more than 23°28” North or South of the celestial equator. But the other planets – particularly the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars – may travel beyond these parameters. This discussion will introduce the basics of what it means when a planet is moving “out of bounds”, and what significance it may have in a native’s chart. |
02/20/2015 Chicago Victoria Martin Audio CD3rd Annual Major Configuration
Forecast Workshop |
03/06/2015 Palos Heights TBA Audio CD |
03/13/2015 OakBrook David Gunning Audio CDSpiritual Astrology is a broad term that encompasses Esoteric Astrology, which is past life astrology. Dave will help us understand the deeper meaning of the planets, in contrast to how they are understood in standard astrology
04/10/2015 Oakbrook Ray Grasse Audio CD |
04/17/2015 Chicago Lynn Staudacher AstroCartography Audio Lectur CDAstro*carto*graphy shows you the best places on Earth to pursue your dreams, find spiritual growth, improve your health, love and romance, prosperity or adventure.
A*C*G is the visual tracings of the paths the planets made on the day and minute of your birth, super-imposed onto a map of the world. You need birth certificate ACTUAL time of birth for A*C*G to work. Lynn will use celebrity charts to show how A*C*G works. |
05/08/2015 Oakbrook Joe Polise Intro to Solar Arcs Audio Lecture CDNot Available until 5/12/2015
This class focuses on Solar Arc Directions, a simple and useful forecast tool. We will review the basic theory and simple formula for calculating Solar Arcs, and use them to illuminate major events using 2 famous horoscopes . The blending of Solar Arcs with simple midpoint pictures, transits, and Secondary Progressions will be demonstrated. |
05/15/2015 Chicago Christine Arens: Summary of University of Chicago Seminar, "Astrology in the Medieval World" Lecture Audio CDNot Available until 5/19/2015Historical intersections among science, the occult, and the religious cultures
Christine Arens will explain the important features of the 3 day lecture she attended at The University of Chicago. |